Objective: To explore the characteristics of human attention bias to social violent information. Methods: Thirty-two male college students were selected by convenience sample and asked to evaluate violent information of 6 pairs of pictures selected from International Affective Picture System. Their eye movements were also recorded and analyzed using Eyelink II eye tracking instrument, and analyse the data with Paired t test. The eye movement indexs inelueded first fixation time, first fixation index, first gaze ratio, fixation count, dwell time, and pupil size max. Results: The results showed that eye movements variables in interest area of violent pictures were significantly different with non-violent ones. First fixation time of violent pictures was longer than time of non-violent ones [ (492 ±405) ms vs. (374 ±342) ms] . First fixation index of violent pictures was more than of non-violent ones [ (3 ± 2) vs. (2 ± 1 ) ] . First gaze ratio of violent pictures was less than of non- violent ones [ (28 ± 39 )% vs. (49 ± 25 )% ] . Fixation count of violent pictures were more than of non-violent ones [ ( 12 ± 3 ) vs. ( 11 ± 2) ] . Dwell time of violent pictures was more than of non-violent ones [ ( 1847 ± 581 ) ms vs. (2063 ± 736) ms ] . Pupil size max of violent pictures were more than of non-violent ones [ ( 1772 ± 476) units vs. (2507 ±436) units] . But the variable of fixation count E (6 +2) vs. (6 ±2) ] of interest area of violent pictures was not significantly different with non-violent ones. Conclusion: The results indicate that social vio- lent informationcan arouse obvious emotional responses, attract people's attention and produce attentional bias. But whether the violent information can influence the maintaining of attention still needs further studies.
Chinese Mental Health Journal
attentional bias
social violent information
interest area
eyemovement study