目的:通过动物实验验证bFGF 有促进骨折愈合的作用,并探索bFGF 临床应用效果。方法:对20 只兔手术造成桡骨骨折。局部注射bFGF,通过肉眼观察、X 线片,测量骨折、测定骨折愈合处骨密度、测定骨折愈合后的抗折力及病理学切片检查来观察骨折愈合情况。将应用于临床11 例骨折病人,骨延长、骨髓炎各2 例,随访6 ~24 月。结果:注射bFGF 侧骨痂生长多而迅速,骨愈合处骨密度比对照组显著增高,抗折力比对照侧明显强。病理学切片显示注射bFGF 侧成纤维细胞多、骨痂多、成骨细胞多,骨小梁、骨基质形成快,骨折愈合快。临床15 例患者应用bFGF 后都有明显的促进骨折愈合,促进骨质生长、创口愈合的作用。结论:bFGF 有促进骨质愈合的作用。
Objective :bFGF has the effect of prom oting the fracture healing w hich is verified by animal experim ent and pu vpose of this study is to explore the clinical effects of appling bFGF.Methods :Twenty rabbits were caused fracture of radius on both sides .bFGF was injected into the fissure .Observe the fracture healing state with naked eyes ,X ray ,histopathological sec tion and measuring the bone density and antibending force after healing .bFGF was applied to 15 clinical patients to do som e re search .11 of the 15 patients were fractures ,2 were prolongation oflim bs ,2 were osteom yelitis .They were follo wed up for 6 ~24 m onths .Results :It was found that on the injecting bFGFside the callus was growing more quickly and vigorously ,the bone den sity was higher and the antibending force was stronger .Histopathological section also showed on that side there were m ore fi broblasts ,osteoblasts and callus ,the trabeculae and basic tissue were growing faster ,the fracture was healing m ore quickly .Fif teen patients are confirmed that bFGF has the effect of pro moting the fracture healing ,facilitating the bone growth and the wound healing .Conclusion :bFGF has the effect of prom oting the fracture healing .
Orthopedic Journal of China
bFGF(basic fibroblast gro wing factor) Fracture healing