The famlly, Tupaiidae, is a typical group of the Oriental in Asia, and it incltldes 16 living species. The central range of the family inhabited mainly in tropical zone of Southeast Asia. Among them the tree shrew, Tupaia belangeri, was the most northern species. With the increasing of altitude and latitude, the characteristics of therrnogenesis in small mammals show some changes. We were interested in the changes in individual thermogenesis, the oxidative activities of mitochondria and some hormones (T3, T4in serum) induced by temperature and photoperiod under acclimation. The resu1ts were shown as follows:1. When the animals were exposed to low temperature (51±1℃) for 28 days, the body mass, RMR and NST in short photoperiod (6L: 18D) were significantly higher than in long photoperiod (18L: 6D). Exposed to high temperature (30±1℃ ) for 28 days, the parameters in short photoperiod were higher than in long photoperiod.2. The short photoperiod under cold exposure induced significantly the increases of protein content, state Ⅳ and state Ⅲ respiration, and the activity of cytochrome C oxidase of liver mitochondrial. However, the same short photoperiod under heat exposure did not obviously induce these changes.3. The content of mitochondrial protein and the activity of cytochrome C oxidase in brow adipose tissue (BAT) were increased in short photoperiod and cold exposure; but the latter did not change significantly in different photoperiod and heat exposure. 4. After exposure to cold or to short photoperiod for 28 days, the activity of T45'-DII in BAT was obviously higher than to heat or long photoperiod. When exposed to cold and short photoperiod for 28 days, the concentration of T3 in serum increased, but the concentration of T4 was not different. Our results suggested that cold temperature and photoperiod have a significant effect on the thermoregulation of tree shrew. Low temperature was more important in thermoregulation than short photoperiod. The short photoperiod affected the adaptive thermogenesis by increasing the activity of T45'-DII in BAT. In addition, the liver of the tree shrew regulated thermogenesis in different photoperiod.
Tupaia belangeri, Adaptive thermogenesis, Photoperiod