
标准参照测验决策一致性指标研究的总结与展望 被引量:10

A Review of Decision Consistency Indices of Criteria-Reference Test
摘要 决策一致性指考生在两次平行测验中被一致归类的程度,是衡量标准参照测验质量的重要指标。到目前为止,基于经典测量模型和项目反应模型,研究者已经提出了数十种估计决策一致性指标的方法,并对这些方法的优劣进行了比较。由于模型基础和对分数分布的假设不同,各种方法适用于不同的测验情境。未来的研究应当对已有方法进行验证,并探讨决策一致性在教育测量中的应用途径,为教育和心理测量工作者估计测验的决策一致性指标提供凭据。 This paper presented an overview of various procedures for estimating single-administration decision consistency index which is an important quality standard of criterion-referenced test.Researchers have proposed dozens of estimation methods based on classical test theory or item response theory,and have made some comparisons among them.Future studies should focus on validating these methods and exploring its application in educational measurement,providing psychometricians with a basis for choosing the appropriate estimation method for decision consistency in particular situation.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期210-215,共6页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划(NCET-07-0097) 全国教育科学规划考试专项(GFA097004)
关键词 决策一致性 信度 p系数 Kappa系数 decision consistency reliability index p index Kappa
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