
生物玻璃在龈下刮治和根面平整中的疗效评价 被引量:9

Effects of bio-glass in subgingival scaling and root planing
摘要 目的:研究龈下刮治和根面平整后局部应用生物玻璃对牙周临床指标及患者敏感症状的影响。方法:共纳入慢性牙周炎患者60名,采用双盲设计,随机将患者分为粉膏组(生物玻璃粉剂与生物玻璃膏剂)、粉剂组(生物玻璃粉剂与安慰膏剂)、膏剂组(安慰粉剂与生物玻璃膏剂)和对照组(粉剂与膏剂均为安慰剂)。刮治后牙周袋内应用粉剂,6周内以膏剂刷牙。刮治后1、2、3周以及6周时,检测冷刺激敏感度;刮治后6周及3个月时,记录牙龈出血指数(bleeding index,BI)、探诊深度(probing depth,PD)和临床附着丧失(clinical attachment loss,CAL)。结果:生物玻璃粉剂与膏剂的应用对刮治后1、2、3周的牙本质敏感度均有明显的缓解作用。刮治后6周,对照组的牙本质敏感状况也基本消失,各组间差异不再有统计学意义;刮治后6周,应用生物玻璃粉剂或膏剂组的BI值均有明显降低;应用生物玻璃粉剂组在刮治后6周时的PD和CAL值均小于未应用组,且应用生物玻璃粉剂或膏剂对刮治后3个月的CAL水平均有一定改善作用。结论:牙周刮治后的牙本质敏感在6周内多可自行缓解,而生物玻璃粉剂和含有7%生物玻璃的膏剂均可有效降低敏感的发生率和敏感程度;生物玻璃同时还具有明显的抗炎作用,可有效降低BI,改善PD和CAL。 Objective:To evaluate the effect of locally applied bio-glass on the teeth hypersentivity and periodontal recovery after subgingival scaling and root planing.Methods: In this double blind study,60 patients with chronic periodontitis were included and were randomly divided into four groups of 15 patients: bio-glass powder and bio-glass paste group(Po+Pa),bio-glass powder group(Po),bio-glass paste group(Pa) and control group.Powder was applied in pockets after subgingival scaling and root planning(SRP) and paste was used as toothpaste for 6 weeks.Periodontal indices and the severity of tooth hypersensitivity were recorded.Results: Obvious mitigation of tooth hypersensitivity was observed in bio-glass powder or paste applied patients within the fist three weeks after SRP.Only few patients presented teeth hypersensitivity in the 6th week after SRP.In the 6th week after SRP,bleeding index significantly decreased in bio-glass powder or paste applied patients.More pocket depth and clinical attachment level reduction was found in bio-glass powder applied patients.Application of bio-glass powder or paste improved clinical attachment level in the 3rd month after SRP.Conclusion: The hypersensitivity after subgingival scaling could be relieved without any treatment in 6 weeks,while the bio-glass powder and the 7% bio-glass paste could reduce the prevalence and the severity of it.Further more,bio-glass also improved the clinical outcomes of subgingival scaling via its bacteriostatic action.
出处 《北京大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期40-43,共4页 Journal of Peking University:Health Sciences
关键词 牙根平滑术 牙科刮治术 牙本质过敏 生物玻璃 Root planning Dental scaling Dentin sensitivity Bio-glass
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