目的 观察射频导管消融治疗儿童频发右心室流出道室性早搏(室早)的疗效及安全性.方法 总结我院2003年7月至2009年4月经导管射频消融治疗的58例儿童室早,观察射频消融即刻和远期、不同部位、不同年龄、心脏扩大与否、放电时心律失常的反应等对成功率的影响,观察有无并发症及随访预后.结果 体表心电图判断室早与心内电生理检查结果完全符合 消融即刻总成功52例(89.7%) 消融放电时出现频发室早或窒性心动过速(窒速)者预示消融成功(P<0.033).而右心室流出道不同部位、心脏有无增大、患儿年龄对消融术成功率影响不大 远期成功率为86.2%.未发生任何远期并发症.结论 经导管射频导管消融可有效而安全地消除儿童正常心脏结构的右心室流出道单形性室早.
Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of radiofrequency ablation in ventricular peremature beat originating from right ventricular output tract (VPB-RVOT) in Chidren. Methods We summarized the clinical data of 58 children with VPB-RVOT treated with transcatheter radiofrequency ablation during 2003.7-2009. 4. We evaluated the influence factors, such as immediate and long-term effect of ablation, location, age, heart enlargement or not, arrhythmia while discharging. We monitored the complication during 22 ± 18 months follow-up. Results 1. The VPB originating from right ventricular output tract judged by surface electrocardiogram was completely consistent with endocardial electrophysiological study. 2. The instantly success of ablation was observed in 57 cases( 89.7% ). 3. The frequent VPB or VT while discharging was success indicators( P 〈 0. 033 ). There were no significant difference in ROVT location, heart enlargement or not and age. 4.Follow up:Holters were recorded before ablation and 2 weeks after ablation in 17 cases. The VPB were disappeared in 49 patients. The long-term success was 86. 2%. There was no long-term complication.Conclusion The transcatheter radiofrequency ablation was effective and safe to eradicate monomorphic VPB originating from right ventricular output tract in in children without organic heart disease.
Chinese Journal of Cardiac Arrhythmias
Radiofrequency catheter ablation Children Frequent ventricular premature beat Right ventricular output tract