
湖北省农民对新型农村合作医疗的认知情况调查 被引量:3

Status of Farmers′ Cognition of New Rural Cooperation Medical System in Hubei Province
摘要 目的了解农民对新型农村合作医疗(新农合)制度的认知情况。方法自编调查问卷对湖北省905名农民进行调查。结果农民对政府推行新农合政策的满意率为92.6%,对新农合政策运行情况的满意率为85.1%,2009年80.3%的农民参与了新农合,肯定次年参与新农合的比例为55.9%。影响以后参与新农合的因素主要为补偿比例高低、报销手续繁简和对新农合政策的了解程度等。农民能承受支付新农合金额比例最高的为20元达33.6%,希望新农合基金服务范围比例最高的是健康体检达59.0%。结论农民对新农合制度总体满意,希望扩大新农合基金服务范围,简化报销手续。 Objective To investigate the status of farmers′ cognition of the new rural cooperation medical system in Hubei province. Methods By means of a self-compiled questionnaires,905 farmers were surveyed in Hubei province. Results The satisfaction rate of the famers on implementation of the system was 92.6% and the satisfaction rate of the operation of the system was 85.1%.In 2009 80.3% of the farmers participated in the system and in the following year 55.9% of the farmers would definitely participate in the system.The major factors influencing their participation were the compensation level,reimbursement procedures and their recognition of the system.About 33.6% of farmers could afford at most RMB 20 yuan for the system,and 59.0% would hope that the system could offer health examination. Conclusion Farmers are satisfied with the new system on the whole,and they hope the scope of the fund services should be expanded and the reimbursement procedures should be simplified.
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期879-880,共2页 Chinese General Practice
基金 湖北省教育厅"十一五"规划课题(2006B288)
关键词 新型农村合作医疗 农民 卫生保健调查 New rural cooperation medical system Farmers Health care surveys
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