单脉冲激波管实验方法研究了稀释于氩中的CH3Cl与H2的混合物,在高温下的裂解动力学,实验温度105K<T<1170K,压力0.5MPa<P<1MPa。实验结果表明符合以H·、CH3·和CH2Cl·自由基为活化中心的链反应机制。始发反应CH3Cl CH3·+Cl·处于递降区,反应速率常数k1=10×1015exp(-41100/)s-1,在P=1MPa;k1=6.6x1014exp(-40700/T)s-1,在P=0.5MPa。确定了氢攻击CH3Cl的反应有两个通道,即 和分支比 =2.8,及K3=9.7x1012exp(-4860/T)cm3mol-1s-1。产物C2H4是由一氯甲基与氢原子复合生成亚甲基 后续反应CH2:+CH3Cl C2H4+HCl给出,其速率常数k5=8.2x1015T-0.63exp(-254/T)cm3mol-1s-1。
The mixtures of CH3Cl and H2 diluted in argon are shocked in a single pulse shocktube and the kinetics of the decomposition of CH3Cl is studied at the temperature range1050K< T< 1170 K, pressure range 0.5 MPa <P<1 MPa. To interpret the experimental results,a chain reaction scheme is proposed and the following conclusions are leaded. The branchingratio of the reactions H +CH3Cl and is determined as k3/k3 = 2.8, With the rate constant. k3= 9.7 x 1012exp(-4860/T)cm3mol-1s-1. The initiation reaction CH3Cl .is in the fall off region, near the high pressure limit, andk1=1 .0 x 1015exp (-41100/T)s-1, P= 1 MPa and k1= 6.6 × 1014exp (-40700/ T)s-1, P=0.5 MPaare determined. The mechanism of the production of C2H4 is revealed as reaction of CH2ClHCl followed by CH2:+CH3Cl C2H4+HCl, with the rate constantk5=8.2 x 1015 exp (-254/ 7) cm3 mol-1 s-1.