运城地区水资源可利用量8 .4 亿m 3 ,其中地下水可开采量6 .1 亿m 3 ,目前年开采量7 .5 亿m3 ,超采1 .4 亿m 3 。2000 年全区缺水11 .78 亿m 3 ,其中主要是灌溉缺水。解决缺水的根本出路在于开源与节流并举。节水工作范围广、投资大,应首先改变旧的灌溉习惯,推行沟畦灌溉。渠道防渗重点抓全面配套,提高水利用系数。田面节水新技术应先搞实验,再逐步推广。开源之路在于兴建黄河水源工程,近期先建浪店水源工程,长远方案是实施禹门口引水,远近结合,在保证灌溉用水同时向城市及工业供水。
It is estimated that the water resources which can be utilized in Yuncheng Prefecture is 840 million m 3 per year,in which the groundwater is 610 million m 3.At present,the pumped groudwater is 750 million m 3 per year, in which 140 million m 3 water is overdrafted annually. It is predicted that the water shortage in the whole prefecture will be 1178 million m 3 in 2000,mainly for agriculture irrigation. In this paper,the author holds that it is the basic way to solve the problem of water shortage that tapping new sources and adopting water saving measures are carried out simultaneously. For water saving measures,the author suggests that border irrigation should be firstly practised,the seepage preventon works of canal system should be improved,and that new techniques such as sprinkler,drip irrigation should be firstly experimented,then to be popularized. For tapping new water sources,the author proposes that Langdian water project should be built immediately,and Yumenkou diversion water project is the long term goal.
Shanxi Hydrotechnics