对贮藏在20℃、5℃、- 10℃和- 18℃温度下的鲜活紫贻贝做了磷脂总量变化的研究,运用高压液相和比色法检测了贻贝在不同贮藏温度和时间下的磷脂组分及其含量。发现在- 18℃贮藏20d,磷脂总量损失了24.64% ,而在20℃放置1d,就损失21.84% 。
The contents of phospholipids in mussel during storage at 20℃, 5℃, -10℃ and -18℃ were studied with the methods of HPLC (High Press Liquid Chromatography) and Spectrophotometric. It was found that the phospholipids of mussel kept at -18℃ lost 24.64% during 20 days, while lost 21.84% kept at 20℃ only 1 day. The results show that the activities of phospholipase are affected by the storage temperature significantly, so it is better to keep mussel under a lower storage temperature.