
父母教养方式与学业成就:责任心与动机的中介作用 被引量:13

Parenting Styles and Academic Achievement:The Mediating Role of Conscientiousness and Motivation
摘要 该研究采用问卷调查法对352名高中学生进行了调查,探究了责任心与内外部动机在父母教养方式与学业成就间的中介作用。结果发现:(1)城市高中生所觉知到的父母教养方式的专制性显著高于农村高中生;(2)父母民主型教养方式能通过促进子女责任心的发展而提高其学习的内部动机水平,并最终正向影响其学业成就的取得;(3)父母专制型教养方式能正向影响子女的外部动机,而外部动机能促进其取得更好的学业成就。 This study employed questionnaires to survey 262 senior middle school students in their second year.The study aimed to explore the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and conscientiousness on the relationship between parenting styles and academic achievement.The data analysis indicated:(1) Students from urban areas perceive their parents as more authoritarian than those from rural areas;(2) Democratic parenting style can enhance students' intrinsic motivation by promoting the development of conscientiousness,which ultimately has a positive impact on academic achievement;(3) Authoritarian parenting style has a positive influence on students' extrinsic motivation,which leads to improvement in academic achievement.
出处 《心理研究》 2011年第2期74-77,共4页 Psychological Research
关键词 父母教养方式 动机 责任心 学业成就 parenting styles motivation conscientiousness academic achievement
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