
理念与实践:近代汉外辞典的诞生 被引量:6

Ideas and Practices Birth of Foreign-Chinese Language Dictionaries in Modern China
摘要 19世纪,新教传教士来华后,汉外辞典的编纂迎来黄金期。字典,中国古已有之。不过,19世纪以降西人编纂汉外词典,虽以"字典"、"韵府"等中国的传统名称名之,但是却赋予了西方的形式和内容,导入了全新的理念。以传教士为主导的汉外辞典编纂,不仅为中外人士——甚至包括日本人的外语学习(英语和汉语)提供了有效的手段,而且还使中国人认识到中国自古以来只有字典而无辞典的现实。19世纪汉外辞典的编纂对中西文化交流作出了重要贡献。从其辞典编纂的理念、实践、传承、对后世的影响等方面可以看到,在西学东渐的近代知识大移动中,汉语是怎样将西方的新概念变成可资利用的语词资源的。 Dictionaries have been assistance beginning from the late 16th century have to foreign language learning all the time. Jesuits to China paid enormous effort to compile dictionaries for studying Chinese. Protestant missionaries arriving in China after the 19th century even made more contribution to the compilation of dictionaries. In China, dictionaries date to very ancient times. However, Yan Fu pointed out, "not all nomenclature and idioms can be expressed in single-character words in our country, and therefore "Pei wen yun" fu(《佩文韵府》) was produced to meet the need. " For Westerners who were compiling foreign-Chinese language dictionaries, although traditional Chinese terms such as "Zidian"(《字典》) and "Yunfu"(《韵府》) have been applied in their works, they employed new ideas and introduced Western concepts and formality. Dictionaries compiled by missionaries, have not only provided Chinese and Westerners (and even including Japanese) with efficient language learning tools, but also made the Chinese realize the fact that there were only "Zidian"(《字典》) (yet not "Cidian") in historical China. During the compilation of a dictionary "Cidian", questions such as how to coin a new word for translation will naturally arise. In the movement of knowledge from the West to the East, how did the Chinese language play an important role for introducing Western new concepts? This pa- per examines dictionaries compiled by Robert Morrison, W. H. Medhurst, and Wilhelm Lobschied, and therefore to discuss missionaries" contributions to dictionary compilation from various perspectives.
作者 沈国威
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期121-130,共10页 Academic Monthly
关键词 英华辞典 传教士 马礼逊 麦都思 罗存德 English-Chinese dictionary, missionary, Robert Morrison, W. H. Medhurst, Wilhelm Lobschied
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