目的通过对ICU中心静脉置管患者感染的观察与分析,找出导管相关感染的危险因素。方法选择2009年9月至2010年3月,在ICU行中心静脉置管的患者,观察并记录其年龄、性别、置管部位、导管放置时间、穿刺点周围皮肤情况、导管性质、管腔数量、有无静脉营养等内容。护士根据患者的实际情况结合动态护理记录单实施有针对性的导管护理并及早反馈相关信息。结果患者年龄(58.1±18.9)岁,置管天数(8.76±6.89)d。行中心静脉置管的患者105例,其中77例次锁骨下静脉置管,23例次颈内静脉置管,6例次颈内静脉置入漂浮导管。中心静脉导管感染4例,置管时间分别为3、14、18、21 d,感染率为3.8%,每1 000个导管日感染率3.95。结论 ICU患者病情危重,严格掌握中心静脉置管适应症;使用中心静脉导管动态护理记录单进行导管常规评价,对症护理,缩短留置时间;严格的无菌技术是控制导管感染的关键措施。
Objective To determine the risk factors of central venous catheter(CVC) - related infection in ICU(intensive care unit). Methods From September 2009 to May 2010, in the ICU, the patients with central venous catheter, were observed and recorded the parament (e. g. age, gender, catheter site, duration of catheterization, the situation surrounding skin puncture, with or without venous nutrition, et al). Based on the situation of patients and the care records, nurses managed the catheters individually and conveyed useful information to the doctors. Results The age of the patients was 58.1 ± 18.9 years old, the duration of catheterization was 8.76 ± 6.89 days. A total of 105 patients underwent the central venous catheterization, including 77 cases of subclavian vein catheterization, 23 cases of internal jugular vein catheterization, 6 cases of the internal jugular vein catheterization, the infection rate was 3.8 % (4 cases) in all patients, the number of the infected catheter days was 3 days, 14 days, 18 days and 21 days respectively. The incidence of catheter related infection was 3.95/1000 catheter days. Conclusion The key management to control catheter-related infection in ICU is strict implement the indication of central venous catheter; patients who undergo central venous catheter with nurses' record sheets assessed and cared, the duration of catheterization shortened.
Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice
central venous
catheter related infection
risk factor