
跨企业组织协同产品开发中供应商早期参与策略研究 被引量:3

Study on Strategy of Early Supplier Involvement in the Inter-organizations Collaborative Pproduct Development
摘要 在跨企业组织的协同产品开发中,供应商的参与时间和设计活动间的信息交流是影响整个产品开发时间和供应商开发成本的重要因素之一。基于对设计活动的技术创新程度和下游制造商信息对上游供应商的重要程度,扩展了知识累积函数和设计返工函数。针对供应商的参与时间和信息交流次数,建立了供应商参与协同产品开发模型,通过构造考虑产品开发时间和供应商开发成本权衡的全局收益变量,证明了全局收益极大值的存在性。在此基础上,分别给出了供应商最优参与时间和最优的信息交流次数的计算公式以及供应商参与协同产品开发策略选择的判定条件。最后通过实例验证了该结论的适用性。 Involvement time of supplier and information communication among activities is important factors that influence product development time and cost in the inter-organizations collaborative product development.The knowledge accumulation function and rework function are presented based on innovation of activity and importance of downstream activity information.Next,a model is presented about Early Supplier Involvement(ESI) aim for involvement time of supplier and information communication frequency,and a variable of global gain is constructed considering trade-off between product development time and supplier's cost,the existence of maximum of global gain is proved.Based on this,the computing formulas of optimal involvement time and communication frequency is respectively given,and the strategy for Early Supplier Involvement(ESI) is presented.Finally,an example is given to verify the result.
出处 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期147-154,共8页 Chinese Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70472016)
关键词 协同产品开发 知识累积函数 设计返工函数 供应商早期参与 供应商参与时间 信息交流次数 collaborative product development knowledge accumulation function rework function early supplier involvement(ESI) involvement time of supplier communication frequency
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