
髓腔固位冠的临床应用研究 被引量:8

The clinical advance of Endocrown
摘要 髓腔固位冠(Endocrown)是一种以髓腔固位的新型冠修复体,它包括一圈对接式的边缘和位于髓腔内的固位体。固位原理包括髓腔固位形和树脂粘接固位,即通过粘接,利用髓腔获得的面积来保证修复体的固位和稳定。基牙预备要保证有足够的剩余牙冠组织。髓腔固位冠适用于修复牙髓治疗后的大面积缺损患牙,特别适用于临床牙冠过短无法行桩核冠修复的患牙,其为根管治疗后的牙提供了除全冠修复方式外的一种能保存更多牙体组织的修复方法。本文就髓腔固位冠的相关基础研究和临床应用作一综述。 Endocrown is a new restorative option which uses pulpal chamber for retention.It consists of a circular butt-joint margin and a central retention cavity inside the pulp chamber.The retention principle of Endocrown includes the retention form of pulp chamber and adhesive retention.The foundation of this technique is to use the surface available in the pulpal chamber to assume the stability and retention of the restoration through adhesive procedures.Guidelines for the preparation are dictated by the amount of remaining coronal substance.It is indicated to restore endodontically treated teeth with large area defect,especially for the short clinical crowns which could not be restored by post-and-core crowns.This technique represents a promising and conservative alternative to full crowns for the treatment of posterior nonvital teeth that require long-term protection and stability.In this paper,the advance of basic research and clinical application of Endocrown were reviewed.
作者 马晓敏 李彦
出处 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 2011年第3期332-334,338,共4页 International Journal of Stomatology
关键词 髓腔固位冠 牙体缺损 粘接 Endocrown dental defect adhesion
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