针对阳离子单体二乙基二烯丙基氯化铵( D E D A A C) 的常规合成过程副反应多、步骤多、转化率很低的问题,分析了胺与卤代烃之间亲核取代反应机理,给出了有利于生成季铵盐的操作步骤, 探讨水和乙醇作为溶剂、反应条件及原料配比对反应的影响。结果表明:采用醇- 水混合溶剂体系, 既有利于亲核反应的进行, 又有利于体现在均相状态下反应;采用接近中性的反应介质环境,避免了副反应氯丙烯的水解和保持亲核试剂仲胺和叔胺的反应活性;采用密闭微压反应操作,在较高的温度下实现了快速反应。文中采用“一锅煮 One Pot Reaction”新工艺合成 D E D A A C, 中间物不用分离, 大幅缩短了反应时间,转化率达95 % 。
For selecting of reactants and synthetic condition, the principle of nucleophilic reaction between alkyl chloride and diethylamine is discussed briefly. The effect of solvents, reaction conditions and reactants ratio on the reaction was studied comprehensively. A new method of synthesis of diethylammonium chloride (DEDAAC) was presented as follows: using 'one pot reaction' process to simplify the steps of the reaction; using water-alcohol mixture solvent to enhance its polarity in homogeneous condition; operating under sealing condition with pressure to raise the utilization rate of raw materials. Results show that the yield of DEDAAC was 95% in average.
Journal of Southwest Petroleum Institute