
一种基于MPEG-4的三维人脸表情动画算法 被引量:4

A 3D facial expression animation system based on MPEG-4
摘要 面向模型基人脸视频编解码领域,提出了一种基于MPEG-4的三维人脸表情动画算法.首先对编码端发送视频的首帧图像,利用Adaboost+Camshift+AAM(active appearance model)算法检测人脸和定位特征点,接着特定化一个简洁人脸通用网格模型得到FDP(facial definitionparameter);对于得到的FDP,解码端先用其特定化一个精细人脸通用网格模型,然后基于肌肉模型和参数模型相结合的方式来生成人脸表情动画,同时对人脸功能区进行划分.实验表明,该算法在FAP(facial animation parameter)流的驱动下可以生成真实感较强的三维人脸表情动画. In view of the model based coding/decoding area,a 3D facial expression animation system based on MPEG-4 was proposed.The coder obtained FDPs(facial definition parameter) through face adaptation of a simple universal triangular model with Adaboost + Camshift + AAM algorithm for face detection and feature localization in the first frame.Then the decoder adapted a complex universal triangular model using these FDPs,Finally the algorithm produced facial animation combining the parameterized model and muscle model.A facial action area split scheme was also proposed.Experiment results confirm that this system can produce realistic facial expression animation with FAP(facial animation parameter) flow.
作者 於俊 汪增福
出处 《中国科学技术大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期307-315,共9页 JUSTC
关键词 人脸特定化 人脸动画 MPEG-4 肌肉模型 模型基编解码 face adaptation facial animation MPEG-4 muscle model model based coding/decoding
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