2Crawley, E. F., Malmqvist, J., Ostlund,, S., & Brodeur, D. R., Rethinking Engineering Education: The CDIO Approach, Springer, New York, 2007.
3The Boeing Company, "Desired Attributes of an Engineer", 1996. Available at http: // www. boeing, com/companyoffices/pwu/attributes/att fibutes/html.
4Mackay, A. L., Dictionary of Scientific Quotations, Hilger, London, 1994.
5Private communication of R. I-ester and M. Boyce, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Education, Committee on Strategic Planning. 2008.
6Institution of Civil Engineers, The Royal Charter, London, 1828. Available at http://www, ice. org. uk.
7Department of Biological Engineering, "The 4M Model", 2007. Available athttp://web, mit. edu/be/index, htm.
8Group T University College, "The 5E Model", Leuven, Belgium, 2008. Available athttp:// www. groupt, be/www/bachelor-programs/ vision-of-engineering/key - terms - the - 5 - es/.
9Finiston, M. Engineering Our Future: Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the EngineeringProfession, HMSO CMND, London,1980.
10Gordon, B. M. , "What is an Engineer?" Invited keynote presentation. Annual Conference of the European Society for the Formation of Engineers (SEFI), University of Erlangen - Numberg, 1984.