目的探讨儿童注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)发生情况及其与家庭特征的关系,为采取干预措施提供参考依据。方法采取分层整群抽样方法对山东省滨州市抽取的2 136名4-5岁儿童家长进行问卷调查,并采用专家访谈的方法对调查中筛查出的可疑患儿进行确诊。结果滨州市2 136名4-5岁儿童中检出ADHD125例,ADHD检出率为5.9%;其中男童检出84例,检出率为7.3%,女童检出41例,检出率为4.1%;男童的ADHD检出率高于女童(χ2=9.87,P〈0.01);125例确诊ADHD患儿中,注意缺陷型、多动冲动型和混合型分别为57、44和24例,分别占45.6%、35.2%和19.2%;多因素非条件Logistic回归分析结果表明,男童、重组家庭、母亲体弱多病、母亲在家庭中使用暴力和父母亲之间关系不和睦是儿童ADHD发生的危险因素。结论不良家庭环境是儿童ADHD发生的危险因素。
Objective To investigate the correlation between the incidence of the children′s attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD) and family environment and to provide evidence for intervention of the disease.Methods With a questionnaire survey among the parents,a total of 2 136 children aged 4-5 years in Binzhou city,Shandong province were randomly selected by stratified sampling.Interviews were conducted by experts to diagnose suspected ADHD cases.Results The morbidity rate of ADHD in the children was 5.9%(125/2 136)and 7.3% for the boys(84/1 145),4.1% for the girls(41/991).The prevalence of ADHD of the boys was significantly higher than that of the girls(χ2=9.87,P0.01).For the 125 ADHD children,the proportion of ADHD-predominantly inattention was 45.6%(57),ADHD-predominantly hyperactive impulsive was 35.2%(44),and ADHD-combined was 19.2%(24).The results of unconditional multivariate logistic regression analyses showed that the risk factors for children ADHD were male,living in remarried family,poor health condition of the mother,use of violence of the mother,and tight parents relationship.Conclusion Adverse family environment is a risk factor for children ADHD.
Chinese Journal of Public Health