
银浆中的玻璃粉对晶硅太阳电池串联电阻的影响 被引量:18

Effects of Glass Power in Screen Printed Silver Front Electrodes on Series Resistance of Silicon Solar Cells
摘要 研究了丝网印刷银电极中玻璃粉对晶体硅太阳能电池的串联电阻的影响。通过制备不同含量的玻璃粉银浆料,以及对浆料的体电阻率、接触电阻和焊接拉力等性能的表征测试,发现银粉颗粒间隙是造成银电极体电阻增大的主要因素,在一定范围内,用PbO-SiO2系玻璃粉有助于降低银电极体电阻和接触电阻,增加焊接拉力。 Glass power in screen printed front side silver electrodes influences on series resistance of silicon solar cells were studied.Different content of glass powder silver pastes were measured with resistivity,contact resistance and solder tension.The results show that the spacing between silver particles is the main reason caused the resistance of silver paste;the PbO-SiO2 system glass powder is helpful in reducing the silver paste resistance,the contact resistance and increasing the solder tension in a certain range.
出处 《电子工艺技术》 2011年第3期125-128,172,共5页 Electronics Process Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50730008 30772434) 上海市科委基金项目(09JC1407400 1052nm02000)
关键词 丝网印刷 太阳能电池 银浆料 玻璃粉 串联电阻 焊接拉力 Screen printing Solar cell Silver paste Glass power Series resistance Solder tension
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