运用Fried et al.(2002)所提出的三阶段DEA分析方法,调整环境变量与随机干扰等因素的影响,对2008年我国31个省区旅游业的经营效率进行了实证分析。结果表明:排除了环境因素的影响以后,我国各地区旅游业的经营效率差距很大,而且普遍偏低;我国大部分地区的旅游业处于规模报酬递增状态,需要适度扩大规模来提升规模效率;各地区旅游业的纯技术效率都比较高,都在0.84以上。
Using three stages DEA analysis method proposed by Fried et al. (2002), this paper empirically analyses China's 31 provinces tourism business efficiency in 2008 by adjusting environment variables and random disturbance. The results show that: (1)China's local tourism operation efficiency not only has a wide gap between different regions, but also becomes very low when ruling out environmental factors influence ; (2)in most regions of China, the tourism is in the increasing return to scale station, and needs to moderate scale to ascend scale efficiency; (3)regional tourism pure technical efficiency is high, more than 0.84.
Contemporary Economic Management