A color difference(including CIE1976ΔEab*,CIE1994ΔE94,CIE2000ΔE00) evaluation software based on VC++6.0 is introduced,which designed into the form of user interface and can evaluate the single and the batch color difference fast.Because of the uncertainty of the parameter factors(including KL,KC,KH) inΔE94 andΔE00,it is easy for researchers to improve the color difference formula in the actual applications.The spectrums of 50 cases Munsell color cards and 30 cases measured fruit samples are reconstructed based on the method of principal component analysis(PCA),and the color difference between the original and the reconstructed spectrum is calculated by the software.The result shows that this color difference evaluation software is credible,and can improve the work efficiency practically.
Journal of Hunan University of Technology