对南通市部分食品中铅含量的测定及44 名5 ~7 岁学龄前儿童全面营养调查和铅污染有关指标进行分析的结果提示:所检测的143 种食物基本符合现有食物中铅含量国家卫生标准。传统膨化食品加工工艺对膨化食品铅含量有较大影响。发铅含量小于10μg/g( A 组) 和发铅含量大于等于10μg/g(B 组) 儿童铅摄入量均超过FAO/ WHO1986 年的建议值,分别为185-25 ±42-85μg/d 和160-91 ±31-47μg/d ,且A 组显著高于B 组(P< 0-05) 。A 组膳食钙、维生素A、维生素E、乳类及蔬菜的平均摄入量亦均显著高于B 组(P< 0-05) 。
Lead in foods is a main source of lead intakes in children. In order to study how dietary factors affect lead metabolism, Lead concentrations in some kinds of foods were determined, intakes of lead and other nutrients from foods were calculated and analyzed in 44 preschool children aging from 5 to 7 years old in Nantong city. Lead concentrations of 143 kinds of foods examined in the study were under permitted level of lead in foods. Traditional technological process affected lead concentrations in foods a lot. Lead intakes from foods of those whose lead concentration in hair are below 10μg/g (group A) were 185.25±42.85μg/g, higher than 160.91±31.47μg/g of those whose lead concentration in hair are above 10 μg/g (group B)(P<0.05). Dietary lead intakes of the two groups were all excess the limit recommended by FAO/WHO in 1986. Average daily intakes of dietary calcium, retinol, vitamin E, dairy and vegetables of group A were higher than that of group B (P<0.05). It was suggested that those dietary factors might be protective factors of the damage of lead in preschool children.
Chinese Journal of Public Health