随着移动3G网络的普及,新型的增值业务不断涌现市场。LBS(Location Based Service)就是一类,基于移动网络高速的带宽提供人们与位置相关的服务。本文介绍了LBS的概念,提出了一种基于J2EE平台的瘦客户端/服务器的LBS体系架构,分析了业务的工作流程,并给出相关的实现技术。在实践中证明适应LBS的应用需求。
With population of the 3G,The new value-added services will continue to emerge in the market.LBS is one of the new value-added services,which provides people with location based service based on the bandwidth of high-speed mobile networks.This paper introduces LBS concepts,proposes a thin client /server architecture of the LBS based on J2EE,analyses LBS business processes,and discusses the relevant implementation technology.In practice,the architecture meets application requirements of LBS.