
‘21世纪’桃对其砧木毛桃根系导管分子性状的影响 被引量:14

Effects of Grafted Prunus persica '21th Century' on the Characters of Vessel Elements in Root System of P. persica Stock
摘要 采用组织离析法和显微照相技术,观测了以毛桃为砧木,‘21世纪’桃品种为接穗的嫁接树与非嫁接树根系导管分子类型和大小。结果表明:与未嫁接的实生砧木树相比,嫁接树的根系中导管分子侧壁次生增厚和木质化的方式、纹孔式及穿孔板类型未见变化,但两端具尾的导管分子数明显减少,导管分子端壁向一端壁水平一端壁倾斜的中间类型变化,导管分子长度变化不大,但直径明显变小。这意味着桃树接穗对砧木根系导管分子的类型与直径产生了一定的影响。 The type and size of vessel elements in root system of both grafted peach trees in which Prunus persica'21th Century'scion were grafted onto P.persica rootstocks and non-grafted P.persica were examined using tissue segregation procedure and micrograph.The results showed that compared with seedling tree rootstocks which were not grafted,in root system of grafted trees,there were no changes in the mode of secondary wall thickening and lignifications,pitting pattern and types of perforation plates,but the number of vessel elements with tails in both end walls significantly reduced;Vessel element end wall changed to the middle type in which one end wall was horizontal and the other was sloping;The changes of vessel element length were not significant while its diameter decreased significantly.These results indicate peach scion had a certain impact on the type and diameter of vessel elements in root system of stock.
出处 《园艺学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1147-1152,共6页 Acta Horticulturae Sinica
基金 河北科技师范学院博士基金项目(2008YB002)
关键词 砧木 接穗 根系 导管分子 peach stock scion root system vessel element
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