

Non-commutative Quantum Electrodynamics in Background Field
摘要 将电磁场分为经典背景场加上扰动部分,得到扰动电磁场的作用量。利用Faddeev-Popov方法,我们给出在经典电磁场背景下非对易量子电动力学的费曼规则。传播子函数非对易修正表明光子的质量依赖于动量与外场。我们还计算了对易理论中不存在的经典电磁场对光子散射过程的不变振幅。该结果可以用来检测非对易的存在。 The action of perturbative electromagnetic field will be obtained as the electromagnetic filed is divided into the background filed and perturbative part. This paper is to introduce, by using the method of Faddeev - Popov, the Feynman rule of non - commutative quantum electrodynamics under the background of typical electromagnetic field, and the non - commutative correction of spreading sub - functions that shows the quality of photon relies on quantity of motion and external field. Also, the invariant amplitude, uttering during the scattering of photon from the unreal typical electromagnetic field according to commutation theory, is calculated, and the result mcan be used to test the existence of noncommutation.
出处 《绵阳师范学院学报》 2011年第5期50-54,共5页 Journal of Mianyang Teachers' College
关键词 理论物理 非对易 量子电动力学 费曼规则 theoretical physics non - commutative Quantum Electrodynamics Feynman rule
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