The product conversion efficiency of 808 nm high efficiency laser diodes now is only about 50%,and can be further improved.By optimizing semiconductor laser material epitaxial structure for increasing the concentration of ohm contact layer,interface gradual change and the doping of the wave-guide layer to reduce the additional voltage and resistance value,the 808 nm large optical cavity(LOC)strain quantum well was designed and fabricated.The diodes with 200 μm luminescene zone were fabricated,and the interior parameters of the material were extracted.The inner loss(αi) is 0.67 cm-1 and the internal quantum efficiency(ηi) is 0.88.With filming the 2 mm cavity length bars and bonding to be the standard single diodes,the conversion efficiency of the single diode is 61.1% at 25 ℃.With bonding the bars on the microchannel car-riers and making the standard microchannel water-cooling arrays,the light power is 126.6 W and conversion efficiency is 62.77% at 15 ℃ water temperature and 110 A current.
Micronanoelectronic Technology