
北京市供排水管理体制的方向选择 被引量:1

Path choice of management system for Beijing's water supply and disposal system
摘要 分析了北京市供排水系统管理体制的现状,梳理了国际供排水系统主要管理模式的演化过程,比较了华盛顿、伦敦、巴黎、东京的供排水系统管理体制的差异。结合中国国情和北京市的具体特点,提出了相关政策建议。 The operation of an effective and efficient water supply and disposal system is very important for Beijing to build itself into a world city.This article firstly analyzes the problem and challenge with respect of the institution and mechanism of investment and financing of Beijing's water supply and disposal system.Then,it discusses the mainstream modes and mechanisms of investment and financing which are adopted by international providers of water supply and disposal service in general,and makes comparison to the arrangement of institution and mechanism of investment and financing for water supply and disposal operation made by Washington,London,Paris and Tokyo in particular.Finally,suggestions with respect of possible reforms in institution and mechanism of investment and financing of water supply and disposal system of Beijing are given accordingly.
出处 《城市问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期38-42,共5页 Urban Problems
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(07ZD010)--新区域协调发展理论与政策研究 北京化工大学学科建设项目--三类金融产品定价及其风险管理研究
关键词 供排水服务 投资 融资 体制改革 water supply and disposal system investment financing institutional reform
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