分析了系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)患者在血小板数量处于正常水平时 ,红细胞数量的减少对血小板功能的影响。结果显示 :SLE患者在血小板数量处于正常范围时 ,随着红细胞的减少 ,血小板的聚集、粘附功能亦明显减低 ,红细胞计数、红细胞压积的变化与血小板聚集、粘附功能以及GMP 140、5 HT的改变成正相关。结论认为SLE时由于红细胞的减少、压积明显降低 ,其促进流场中的血小板的聚集、粘附功能的作用明显减低 ,使血小板的活化释放功能明显减弱。因此当患者存在不同程度的贫血时 ,即使血小板的数量处于正常范围内 ,其血小板的功能亦明显减低。
To study the correlation of disturbance of platelet function and the decrease of the number of erythrocytes in systemic lupus erythematosus patients. The results showed that when the platelet number was in normal level the aggregation and adhesion of platelet decreased along with the decrease of the number of erythrocytes. The change of red cell count and packed cell volume were positively correlated with platelet aggregation, adhesion and change of granularmembraneprotein 140(GMP 140) and 5 hydroxytryptamine (5 HT) levels. The decreased red cell count and packed cell volume in systemic lupus erythematosus patients may decrease the aggregation, adhesion, activity and release of platelet. When patients were anemia, although the number of platelet was in normal level its function was reduced.
Journal of Clinical Dermatology