MAG CINCINNATI为国际知名的机床设备制造商,他们在制造设备的同时,制定了机床用液压油等系列油品规格。本文就MAG CINCINNATI关于机床液压油、液压导轨油、导轨油规格分类、不同规格间的差异、MAG CINCINNATI规格中的关键试验(热稳定性试验)及油品维护等方面内容做了分析,同时对我国某品牌的液压油在MAG CINCINNATI所做的试验结果及试验结果对此规格的符合性做了分析。为机床用户正确选择和使用液压油提供借鉴。
MAG CINCINNATI is one of the most famous machine tools OEM in the world Besides making the machine tools, they also have the hydraulic oil and way oil specifications for machine tools. This paper tells us the main properties and the key test about the oil and gives some examples about how some brand oils meet the specifications. Moreover, the paper tells the cleanliness code demands for the hydraulic system and the demands about the oil adding and changing in order to help the customers to protect the machines well.
Hydraulics Pneumatics & Seals