Objective: To evaluate significance of β2- MG for early warning of renal damage in mercury workers by analyzing urinary β2- MG, Hg and Cr in mercury wo Cr was (3.16±0.82)ug/mmolCr and (17.98±2.78) mmol/L respectively. The lever of β2- MG was extremely significant difference(t = 5.81 ,P〈0.01)rkers. Methods:The urine sample of mercury workers and no mercury exposure history workers in Foshan were collected, detection uri- nary β2- MG, Hg and Cr. The workers were divided into hydragyrism group and control group according to the standard of hydrargyrinsm. The result of urinary β2- MG, Hg and Cr in the two groups were analyzed. Result: The levers of urinary Hg and Cr in early mercury workers were no statistically signif- icant difference Compared with the control group(t= 1.08, P〈0.05), but the lever of β2- MG was significant difference. The half--year pursue results show the lever of urinary Hg was(2.75±0.57)ug/mmolCr, the lever of urinary Cr was normal, the lever of β2- MG was significantly higher. The one-- year pursue results show the lever of urinary Hg and Cr was (3.16±0.82)ug/mmolCr and (17.98±2.78) mmol/L respectively. The lever of β2- MG was extremely significant diifference(t=5.81 ,P〈0.01). Conclusion:The lever of urinary β2- MG can be used as a sensitive indicator for detecting early renal damage caused by mercury.