
学习者数字化学习绩效的影响因素研究综述 被引量:31

Factors Affecting Performance in E-learning:A Review
摘要 本文对学习者数字化学习绩效的影响因素进行了比较研究。研究从学习绩效指标、研究方法、研究结论三个角度对国内外的相关研究进行了综述。研究发现,学习者学习绩效的指标选择上,多数研究倾向于从学习者学习满意度的主观评价和学习者成绩的客观衡量两个方面来予以评估;大部分研究选择定量研究方法和推断统计的数据分析方法,而且更多的研究倾向于实证研究;对于影响学习者数字化学习绩效的因素,研究结论差异比较大,比较一致的有显著影响的因素是:对信息技术的态度、计算机自我效能感、计算机焦虑感、过去学习成绩、教学交互;没有显著影响的因素是:学习风格、人口学特征。本研究将对提高学习者数字化学习绩效提供参考,并为后续的实证研究奠定基础。 This article is a literature review of factors affecting performance in E-learning. The literature reviewed covers learning performance index, methodology, and research findings. As indicated in the review, in terms of performance index, most studies tended to base learning performance on learner satisfaction and course grades. In terms of methodology, many studies adopted quantitative method and inferential statistics method, demonstrating the features of empirical studies. Research findings varied greatly from one study to another, but learners' attitudes to lOT, computer self-efficacy, computer anxiety, previous learning experience, and instructional interaction were among the factors found to be most related to performance in E-learning in the review. Learning style and learner demographic profile had no significant impact on learnng performance. The review results may serve as basis upon which further studies are conducted
出处 《中国远程教育》 北大核心 2011年第13期17-23,95,共7页 Chinese Journal of Distance Education
基金 2009年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"基于生产函数的远程学习者学习绩效影响因素研究"(课题编号:09YJC880008)系列研究成果之一
关键词 SOA WEB服务 数字教育资源 一站式 协同 E-learning learning performance influencing factor
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