虽然可持续发展80 年代才明确提出,但从60 年代开始的发展度量研究就为可持续发展度量研究提供了很好的基础。国外研制的可持续发展度量指标基本可分为四类:第一类是基于生态-环境观点的较微观层次的压力- 状态- 响应指标;第二类是以价值综合核算为前提的综合的可持续发展指数,如绿色GNP、国民财富指数等;第三类往往对资源、环境要素的价值核算持保留态度,避免作综合的价值核算,而是分别选取人口、资源、环境、经济、社会等多方面的指标进行系统分析,采用无量纲化和加权平均的方法求得衡量可持续发展水平的综合指数;第四类是从可持续性的反面着手,通过定义不可持续性来规定可持续性,建立不可持续性指标来度量可持续性。
One point should be stressed is that the overseas study of the measurement of sustainable development got much power from the development of indicators of social development which began in 1960s. Now the indicators and/or indices of sustainable development already promoted abroad can be classified as following four categories:(1)Pressure state response indicators which mainly fit for micro systems . The distance between current or predicted physical state indicators and reference standards which are equated to sustainability can be used to indicate the sustainability of ecological system under the pressure of human activity.(2)Indices such as green GNP and National Wealth Index that take the integrated accounting of population, resources, environment and economy as their prerequisite.(3)Sustainable development indicator system which separately select economic, social and ecological indicators for measuring the state of economy, society and ecological system, and aggregate those indicators into an index with an indexing and weighting method.(4)Unsustainability indicators which define the reverse of sustainability.
Advances in Earth Science
Sustainable development
Sustainable development measurement
Sustainable development indicators
Sustainable development index.