对苹果、小麦复合系统根系分布格局与生长动态的研究表明:(1)4年生苹果根系垂直分布可达100cm ,其主要分布在20~60cm ,可占总根量的80% 以上;小麦根系垂直分布可达80cm ,0~10cm 占55.2% ,与苹果根系在空间尺度上不复重叠;而不间作时,苹果根系有上浮趋势。(2)苹果幼树根系的水平分布达250cm ,大多在0~100cm 范围,占42.4% ;间作时两边各留100cm 的保护行,基本不影响小麦生长;(3)苹果新根在一年中有2次明显的生长高峰,一次是在6~7月,占全年的40% ,一次在11~12月;而小麦主要在3~5月,两者在时间尺度上有别。(4)根据苹果新根周年变化特点,果树施肥应掌握好3个季节:5月上旬、7月中旬的追肥和10月上旬的有机底肥,这和小麦的水肥管理可以有机结合,从而提高养分利用率。
The distribution pattern and growing dynamics of roots system in apple wheat intercropping system was investigated. The results showed that (1) the vertical distribution of the apple root system could reach the depth of 100cm, and its main part (about 80 percent)was in the layer of 20~60cm. The vertical distribution of the wheat root system could reach 80cm, and its 55 2 percent was in the layer of 0~10cm. (2) The horizontal distribution of root system of 4 year old apple tree could reach the depth of 250cm, and 42 4 percent was in the distance of 0~100cm。 If a 100cm wide protective belt is left without intercropping, the growth of wheat will not be affected. (3) There are two obvious growing peaks of new roots of apple tree. One is from June to July and the other is from November to December. The growing peak of wheat roots is from March to May. (4) According to the growing characteristic of apple roots, fertilizer application should be taken in three periods: in the early May, middle July and the end of October.
Acta Ecologica Sinica