结合生产科研实践,在论述星载雷达成像方式及Radarsat 数据产品主要特点的基础上,针对以岩性识别和构造分析为主要研究内容的地质探测领域,着重讨论分析了波束模式、视角范围、卫星姿态、时相、数据处理级别等影响数据产品选择的主要因素,并提出地质探测领域Radarsat 数据产品的选择原则及参考意见,供广大遥感地质工作者在充分利用这一新型遥感数据源时参考。
Radarsat is the most advanced satellite SAR system now. It has varied beam modes and offers the different type of remote sensing data products. Prior to the selection of suitable data products, the related influencing factors should be considered carefully. Focus on the interpretations of geological structure and lithology, this paper discusses and analyses the main influencing factors about data choice to the field of geological exploration as following: beam mode, Look anagle (beam position), acquisition time of the data, satellite's orbit and the level of data handling. Then proposing recommendations of the data products selection to the field of geological exploration were recommended, it is helpful to the geologicl survey by Radarsat SAR data Products.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources