
转售价格维持的反垄断法分析 被引量:50

Antimonopoly Analysis on Maintenance of Resale Price
摘要 对于转售价格维持行为,传统反垄断法上强调其便利零售卡特尔以及生产商卡特尔等负面效果,因而长期适用本身违法规则。2007年美国最高法院的Leegin案判决则改而采用合理规则,这对我国《反垄断法》第14条、第15条的实施具有重大的启发意义。但另一方面,合理规则的适用十分复杂,因而应当在进行合理性分析之前,先对相关市场的情况进行考察,以明确该行为是否符合产生反竞争效果的结构条件,对于不满足这些条件的行为,则认定其合法,而不需要进行进一步的合理性分析。这样可以大大减少需要进行深入分析的案件的范围,简化合理规则的适用,并为经营者提供明确的指引。 Traditional antimonopoly law,which focused on the negative effects of maintenance of resale price such as the facilitation of dealer cartel or manufacturer cartel,applied to this kind of restraint.In 2007,the Supreme Court of the United States overruled this rule by its judgement in Leegin case and began to apply rule of reason,which is very complex and difficult to handle in individual cases,and it is important for the 14th and 15th articles of Anti-monopoly Law to carry out.Therefore some ways have to be found to simplify relevant analysis of this rule.The most important way is to analysize the constructure of the relevant market in order to find if the structural prerequisites for the anti-competition effects have existed and exclude most of maintenance of resale price cases from the analysis of reason so as to give clear guidance to enterprises as well as courts and antimonopoly authorities.
作者 许光耀
机构地区 南开大学法学院
出处 《政法论丛》 2011年第4期98-103,共6页 Journal of Political Science and Law
关键词 转售价格维持 纵向价格限制 反垄断法 maintenance of resale price vertical price restraints Anti-monopoly Law
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  • 1Thomas A. lambert, Dr. Miles is Dead. Now What? Structuring a Rule of Reason for Evaluating Minimum Resale Price Maintenance, William & Mary Law Review, May, 2009.
  • 2Vertical Price Agreement in the Wake of Leegin v. PSKS:Where Do We Stand Now? University of Miami Law Review, October 2009, page 231.
  • 3Vertical Price Agreement in the Wake of Leegin v. PSKS : Where Do We Stand Now? University of Miami Law Review, October 2009, page 232.
  • 4Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc. , .551 U.S. 87 (2007).
  • 5菲利普·阿里达著.反垄断法精析·难点与案例[M].北京:中信出版社,2005.
  • 6赫伯特·霍温坎普著,许光耀、江山、王晨译.《联邦反托拉斯法政策竞争法律及其实践》,法律出版社2009年版,第516页第2段以及注释①.
  • 7Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc. , 551 U.S. 87 (2007).
  • 8Thomas A. Lambert, Dr. Miles Is Dead, Now What? :Structuring a rule of Reason for Evaluating Minimum Resale Price Mainrenence, William & Mary Law Review, May, 2009.
  • 9《反垄断法》第15条.











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