纳米复合材料是指分散相大小为纳米级(一般为1~100 rim)粒子均匀分散于基体中,可发挥各组元材料的优点,克服单一组元的缺陷,具有某种特殊性能或良好综合性能的材料。对聚合物基纳米复合材料研究现状进行了概述,并对其分类、应用、性能等方面的国内外研究进展进行了全面综述。
The nano-composite is a kind of material which nano-scale granule of disperse phase homo-dispersing in base.It has a special function or perfect comprehensive functions as exerting virtue of each constituents and overcoming defect of single ones.Current research of nano-composite based on polymer was summarized,and the progress on its classification,application and function at home and abroad was reviewed.
Guizhou Chemical Industry