
共用草场共管制度的运作及其溃败——以西藏林芝县秀巴村的个案研究为例 被引量:5

The Operation and Collapse of Community Regulation on Common Pastureland: A Case Study in Hsiuba Village of Nyingchi County, Tibet
摘要 继草场产权私有与政府主导的大规模草原环境治理并没能有效遏制草原沙化后,社区草场共管成为可供尝试的另一种方式。本文基于在西藏东南部林芝县秀巴村所做的个案研究,着重分析当地在1984年畜群分配到户后所逐步发展起来的一套共用草场的共管制度,并从共用草场的维持与扩张、村落内部的互惠、夏季牧场的放牧制度以及冬草的分配等方面来具体论述该共管制度的运作。不过,这套制度却在近年来急剧的社会变迁中走向溃败。本文通过借用Ostrom(1990)的共用资源共管理论,除了揭示共管制度溃败在制度上的成因外,更要寻找出其背后所交织的社会、文化及环境等要素。 The community regulation on common pastureland provides an alternative way to solve the environmental problems. Privatization and concentrated governmental protection can not effectively evade desertification of pastureland. Based on a fieldwork in Hsiuba Village of southeastern Tibet, this paper analyzes the development of local community institutions on common pastureland since 1984 when livestock was distributed to each family. It elaborates on their operation from the following four aspects: the maintenance and expansion of common pastureland, reciprocity in community, herding institution on summer pastureland, as well as winter hay distribution. Due to rapid social changes, however, these institutions have currently collapsed. By applying the theory of Elinor Ostrom, this paper not only rules out institutional reasons, but instead pinpoints the interwoven set of social, cultural, and environmental factors which in effect have led to the collapse of community institutions.
作者 周涛
出处 《西藏民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第4期70-77,140,共8页 Journal of Tibet Nationalities Institute(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 草场管理 共用资源共管理论 环境人类学 青藏高原 藏族 Pastureland regulation Self-organizing and Self-governing Forms of Collective Action on Commons Environmental Anthropology Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Tibetan
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