目的探讨α受体阻滞剂(哈乐)在局部麻醉下输尿管镜碎石取石术处理不复杂性输尿管下段结石后不留置支架管的初步经验。方法回顾性分析2007年1月~2009年8月该院58例不复杂性输尿管下段结石患者行局麻下输尿管镜碎石取石术患者的资料,患者被分为两组:A组30例(放置双J管),B组28例(不放置支架管)。术后不留置支架管,服用α受体阻滞剂1周。结果 A组手术时间显著长于B组;术后患者血尿的发生率和持续时间、肋腹区疼痛、尿频/尿急、排尿困难的发生率,两组之间差异无显著性;术后1个月输尿管无石率两组均为100%。结论输尿管镜碎石取石术治疗不复杂性输尿管下段结石后,服用α受体阻滞剂,可不必常规留置支架管,创伤轻,痛苦少,恢复快。
[Objective] To evaluate clinical efficacy of alpha blocker for uncomplicated ureteroscopic lithotripsy in treating lower ureteral stones without ureteral stent.[Method] From January 2007 to August 2009,58 patients who underwent uncomplicated ureteroscopic intracorporeal lithotripsy by the holmium laser were analyzed retrospectively.The patients divided into two groups,group A of 30 patients.With double pigtail stent indwelled and group B,28 patients without stent.All cases of group B were with use of alpha blocker for 1 week.[Results] Mean operative time of group A was significantly longer than that of the group B.The incidences of hematuria,flank/abdominal pain,frequency/urgency were not statistically different among the two groups.The Stone-free rate was 100% in each group.[Conclusions] Alpha blocker in place of ureteral stent is a safe and less traumatic method for ureteroscopic lithotripsy in treating uncomplicated lower ureteral stones.
China Journal of Endoscopy