
Percoll分离法结合免疫磁珠法分离提纯人外周血中性粒细胞方法的建立 被引量:4

Isolation and purification of human peripheral blood neutrophils using Percoll and immunomagnetic microbeads
摘要 目的:探讨采用Percoll分离法结合免疫磁珠负性筛选法分离人外周血中性粒细胞的可行性。方法:采用台盼蓝染色观察活力,流式细胞仪检测荧光标记的CD62L表达阳性率。结果:分选后CD62L表达阳性细胞纯度达(95.5±2.2)%,细胞活力为(98.8±2.7)%。结论:Percoll分离法结合免疫磁珠负性筛选法分选系统提纯人外周血中性粒细胞,细胞纯度高并对细胞的生物活性无明显影响,是一种更加有效的人外周血中性粒细胞分离提纯方法。 Objective:To study the feasibility of isolation and purification of CD62L positive human neutrophils from peripheral blood by using Percoll together with negative selection using magnetically labeled mAbs.Methods:The purification and viability of neutrophils were determined by flow cytometry and light microscopy,respectively.Results:The purity of CD62L human peripheral blood neutrophils and their viability were(95.5±2.2) and(98.8±2.7),respectively.Conclusion:Using Percoll together with negative selection using magnetically labeled mAbs is an effective way to isolate CD62L positive neutrophils from peripheral blood,which increases the neutrophils purity without influence on their viability.
出处 《现代医药卫生》 2011年第18期2723-2724,共2页 Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30371305) 四川省教育厅项目(2006A025)
关键词 Percoll分离法 免疫磁珠法 人外周血中性粒细胞 分离提纯 Percoll separation method Iimmunomagnetic beads Human peripheral neutrophils Isolation and purification
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