目的分析曲靖市2001-2010年麻疹流行病学特征及监测系统运转状况,更好地指导今后麻疹控制工作。方法对曲靖市2001-2010年麻疹疫情及监测系统运转状况进行分析。结果 10年全市共报告麻疹5 686例,2001-2010年报告发病率分别为2.31/10万、6.82/10万、7.01/10万、18.41/10万、22.48/10万、17.52/10万、18.57/10万、3.65/10万、1.86/10万、0.2/10万。病例分布广,呈散发和爆发并存的流行病学模式,以局部点状爆发为主,局部爆发影响着全市的发病强度,病例集中在<7岁儿童,属小年龄发病模式。结论麻疹发病主要与未免疫和免疫失败有关,其次与实际接种率不高及误论有关;麻疹监测系统运转良好,为疑似麻疹病例的实验室诊断和麻疹流行的监测提供了良好的技术平台,在麻疹监测中发挥重要作用。今后在抓好麻疹疫苗常规免疫接种工作的同时,适时开展大年龄组儿童的强化免疫,进一步提高人群免疫水平;提高监测系统敏感性,预防和控制麻疹发病,实现消除麻疹的目标。
Objective To analyze the status of measles epidemiology and the performance of measles surveillance system, and to develop the strategies for the measles control and elimination. Method The data of measles cases reported by the surveillance system in Qujing City during the year of2001-2010 were analyzed. Results 5686 measles cases were reported in 10 years. The reported incidence were different from 0.2/100 000 to 22.48/100 000. Both the sporadic and epidemic measles existed in some districts and the outbreaks of measles in other districts had affected the measles morbidity of the whole city. Most of the measles cases were children under 7 years old. Conclusion The failure of vaccination and without certain vaccination history were the main causes of measles incidence. It also has relation to the low immunization coverage rate and wrong diagnosis. The measles surveillance system was taking a big role in both laboratory confirmation and cases surveillance. The paper indicated that the routine immunization service level should be improved, measles vaccine mass campaign should be launched among older children timely to raise the measles immune level of the population and the sensitivity of measles surveillance system should be enhanced to prevent and control measles.
Journal of Diseases Monitor and Control
Measles: Sm-veillance
Epidemiological analysis