目的了解广西壮族自治区≥15岁居民精神分裂症的患病水平和分布特征。方法采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法对在广西壮族自治区抽取的6个地级市和10个县共18 219名≥15岁常住居民进行流行病学调查。结果广西壮族自治区居民精神分裂症时点患病率和标化率分别为8.29‰和8.32‰,终生患病率和标化率分别为9.77‰和9.90‰;时点患病率在不同年龄(2χ=15.458,P=0.017)、不同文化程度(2χ=8.545,P<0.001)、不同婚姻状况(2χ=75.518,P<0.001)间差异均有统计学意义;终生患病率在不同年龄(2χ=26.293,P=0.001)、不同文化程度(2χ=11.614,P=0.009)、不同婚姻状况(2χ=86.947,P<0.001)间差异均有统计学意义;不同性别、民族和地区居民时点患病率、终生患病率间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论广西壮族自治区居民精神分裂症患病率较高,不同年龄、文化程度和婚姻状况居民患病率不同。
Objective To investigate the prevalence and distribution of schizophrenia among the residents aged more than 15 years in urban and rural areas of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.Methods From July through December,2007,18 219 residents aged more than 15 years were randomly selected from 6 cities and 10 counties with stratified multi-stage cluster sampling.All subjects were investigated with a face-to-face interview.The Chinese version of Composite International Diagnostic Interview(CIDI 3.0) provided by the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was used as the screening tool and the diagnoses were made with the 10th edition of International Classfication of Disease.Results The current and standerdized prevalence of schizophrenia in the residents were 8.29‰ and 8.32‰.The current and standerdized lifetime prevalence of the diseasee were 9.77‰ and 9.90‰.There were siginficant differences in current prevalence of the disease among the residents of different age(χ2=15.458,P=0.017),education(χ2=8.545,P0.001),and marital status(χ2=75.518,P0.001).There were also significant differences in lifetime prevalence of the disease among the residents of different age(χ2=26.293,P0.001),edcucation(χ2=11.614,P=0.009),and marital status(χ2=86.947,P0.001).There were no significant differences in current and lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia between the residents of different gender,nationality,and living area(P0.05 for all).Conclusion The prevalence of schizophrenia in Guangxi is higher than other areas of China.And the prevalence and distribution of schizophrenia are associated with age,educational level,and marriage status.
Chinese Journal of Public Health