
西方国家中央政府部际协调机制研究及启示 被引量:2

Study on Inter-Ministerial Coordination Mechanism of the Central Government in Western Countries and Its Enlightenment
摘要 部际协调机制与大部门体制都是加大政府机构整合力度的重要途径。但是相较于大部门体制,我国中央政府部际协调机制的构建在理论和实践上都相对滞后。机制是方式、方法、技术和工具的总称。文章从政府的结构协调技术、程序协调技术和公务员制度等方面分析总结了西方国家中央政府构建部际协调机制的主要做法、基本经验及其对我国行政管理体制改革的启示。 Both inter-ministerial coordination mechanism and super-ministry system are important ways to enhance government integration. But compared to super-ministry system, inter-ministerial coordination mechanism of the central government is in theory and practice lagging behind. Mechanism is the general term of means, methods, techniques and instruments. This paper analyzes the main ways of building inter-ministerial coordination mechanism in western countries from the following aspects: the structural techniques for coordination, the procedural techniques for coordination and the civil servant system. On that basis, it summarizes the basic experience of building inter-ministerial coordination mechanism in western countries and its enlightenment on China' s reform of the administrative system.
作者 曹丽媛
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第5期92-96,共5页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 部际协调机制 结构协调技术 程序协调技术 高级公务员 inter-ministerial coordination mechanism structural techniques for coordination procedural techniques for coordination top civil servant
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