
情境学习:一种新的学习范式 被引量:121

Situated Learning:A New Research Paradigm on Learning
摘要 情境学习作为一种新型的学习范式,是学习科学研究中的重要内容之一,其理论和实践研究的快速发展推动了现代学校教育和社会组织的变革。文章对情境学习研究的历史发展和主要流派进行了梳理,重点总结了情境学习研究范式的知识观和学习观,并对其理论的教育实践应用进行了探讨,最后文章提出了情境学习理论对学校教育的启示以及面临的挑战。 As a new learning paradigm, situated learning is one of the main research areas in learning sciences. With the rapid development of theory and practice, situated learning promotes deep changes in education and social organi- zation. This paper reviews the history and the main factors of situated learning, summarizes the ideas of knowledge and learning in situated learning contexts, and dicusses its value in educational practice. At last, this paper addresses the implications of situated learning for education and the challenges that it faces in implementation.
出处 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期29-39,共11页 Open Education Research
关键词 情境认知 情境学习 学习科学 实践共同体 认知学徒制 situated cognition situated learning leafing sciences the community of practice cognitive apprenticeship
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