
由左颈总动脉导管经肾动脉的大鼠肾脏无创伤给药法探讨 被引量:2

Without Traumatic Partial to Medicine-from the Left Common Carotid Artery Catheter to the Renal Artery in Rat
摘要 目的建立一种大鼠肾脏无创伤性局部血管给药的新方法,并对其给药后成活率和损伤性进行观察。方法 16只Wistar大鼠,用PE10导管经大鼠左侧颈总动脉-降主动脉-胸主动脉-腹主动脉,抵达肾动脉直接给药。统计其成活率并对给药的肾动脉血管行病理学观察。结果大鼠成活率可达87.5%,且不会造成肾动脉血栓或血管内皮损伤。结论该法可以成功的实现大鼠肾动脉远距离插管,零距离无创伤性局部血管给药,同时还可以推广用于腹腔的某些其它脏器甚至更远的后肢。 Objective To establish a new method for rat kidney without traumatic local vascular drugs,and after the treatment of its survival rate and traumatic carries on the observation.Methods Wistar rats,PE10 catheter through from the left common carotid artery-the descending aorta-the thoracic aorta-the abdominal aorta,arrived in renal artery directly to medicine.Statistical its survival rate and dosing renal arterial line pathology observation.Results Rats survival rate can reach 87.5%,and wont cause renal arterial thrombosis or vascular injury.Conclusions The method can be successfully for rats renal artery without traumatic local blood vessels to medicine,also can be extended for abdominal some of the other organs or the hind legs.
出处 《中国比较医学杂志》 CAS 2011年第9期37-39,共3页 Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine
关键词 肾动脉 颈动脉 导管 大鼠 靶器官 动脉灌注 Renal artery Carotid Tube Rats Target organ Arterial perfusion
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