目的评价门诊口服抗感染药物治疗社区获得性肺炎(CAP)的临床疗效。方法以某呼吸科专家门诊收治的CAP患者32例为研究对象,依据高、低危人群前瞻性应用5种口服抗感染药物治疗(红霉素、国产或进口克拉霉素、联合二代头孢、莫西沙星),随访并评价疗效。结果 32例患者采用不同治疗方案中7d总有效率(好转+治愈),7d好转(有效/显效)率为68.8%(22例),临床治愈率为31.2%10例(10例),总有效率(好转+治愈)为100%(32例);14d治愈率为59.4%(19例),21d治愈率为9.4%(3例)。结论口服大环内酯类抗生素(红霉素、克拉霉素)或莫西沙星经验性抗感染治疗CAP疗效确切而可靠。
Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of initial empirical antimicrobial therapy orally for outpatient with community acquired pneumonia (CAP). Method Patients with CAP in a respiratory specialist outpatient were treated by several programs of empirical antimicrobial therapy (erythromycin, homemade or income clarithromycin/Clarit, combining second generation of cephalosporins and moxifloxacin) orally prospectively according to high or low risk groups. Totally there were 32 cases of patients. Their clinical data were collected to evaluate and compare their efficacy. Results Their 7d improved rate was 73.7% (14/19 cases) and cured rate 21.1% (4/19 cases). For several programs total effective rate of improved was 68.8% (22/32 cases)and cured rate was 31.2% ( 10/32 cases) during 7 days (7 d) , cured rate was 59.4% (19/32 cases) during 14 days (14d) and 9.4% (3/32 cases) during 21 days (21d). Conclusion The clinical efficacy by received antibiotics of erythromycin, maerolide or moxifloxaein orally is good enough for outpatient with CAP.
Chinese Journal of Lung Diseases(Electronic Edition)