
某电解铝厂职业病危害因素检测与评价 被引量:4

Detection and Evaluation of Occupational Hazards in An Aluminum Plant
摘要 目的识别,分析与评价某电解铝厂可能产生的职业病危害因素及危害程度,提出相应的防护对策和措施,防止或控制职业病的发生。方法依据相关法律、法规和规范标准,采用现场卫生学调查和检测检验法。结果该电解铝厂生产过程中存在的主要职业病危害因素为氧化铝粉尘、矽尘、石墨粉尘、氟化物、氟化氢、一氧化碳,二氧化硫、氮氧化物、噪声、高温和电磁辐射等。定点检测54个粉尘作业地点,合格作业点47个,合格率87%。测试个体粉尘40个工种,合格工种34个,合格率为85%。对17个接触噪声工种进行噪声检测,其中13个工种的测定结果符合卫生限值的要求,合格率为76.5%。对7种化学毒物及高温、磁场、工频电场进行检测,结果均符合相关标准的要求。结论该项目所采取的职业病危害控制措施能起到一定的防护效果,但个别场所职业病危害还较严重。针对存在的问题,用人单位应按照相应法律、法规的要求,并结合建议进行整改,落实,使其工作场所中职业病危害因素浓度(或强度)达到国家职业卫生限值的要求,防止或控制职业病的发生。 [Objective]To identify,analyze and evaluate the potential occupational hazards and harmful levels of an aluminum plant,to put forward corresponding protection measures,and prevent or control occupational diseases. [Methods]Field hygienic survey and inspection and testing methods were adopted according to relevant laws,regulations and standards. [Results]The main occupational hazards in the production process of aluminum plant were alumina dust,silica dust,graphite dust,fluoride,hydrogen fluoride,carbonmonoxide,sulfur dioxide,nitrogen oxides,noise,heat,electromagnetic radiation,etc.The fixed-point detection included 54 dust-exposed locations,among them 47 locations were qualified,with pass rate of 87%.40 types of individual dust were tested,among them 34 Jobs were qualified,with pass rate of 85% 17 types of noise were detected,among them 13 types were within health limits,with pass rate of 76.5%.7 kinds of toxic chemicals and heat,magnetic field,frequency electric field were detected,the results were in line with the relevant standards. [Conclusion]The measures taken to control occupational hazards can achieve the goal of protection to some extent,but some places' occupational hazards are still serious.For the existed problems,the employer should follow the appropriate laws and regulatory requirements,and combine with recommendations for corrective actions and implementation,so that the concentration(or intensity) of occupational hazards in the workplace can be within the national occupational health limits,to prevent or control occupational disease.
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2011年第21期2426-2428,共3页 Occupation and Health
关键词 电解铝 职业病危害 检测 评价 Aluminum Occupational hazards Detection Evaluation
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