
缺铁性贫血孕妇外周血及脐血TNF-α、IL-6和EPO水平的变化及其对新生儿免疫功能的评估 被引量:4

Alteration of TNF-α,IL-6 and EPO levels in both IDA pregnant women and their cord venous blood:evaluation of neonatal immunity function
摘要 目的:探讨缺铁性贫血(IDA)孕妇及其新生儿脐血肿瘤坏死因子(TNF-α)、白介素-6(IL-6)、促红细胞生成素(EPO)的水平变化及对新生儿免疫功能的影响。方法:采用酶联免疫吸附方法检测58例IDA孕妇和30例正常健康孕妇外周血及其新生儿脐血中TNF-α、IL-6和EPO的水平。结果:58例IDA孕妇血TNF-α、IL-6和EPO的水平分别为(143.65±15.36)μg/L,(586.32±133.65)ng/L,(28.76±7.89)mIU/ml,均显著高于正常孕妇组的(90.24±10.04)μg/L,(432.75±132.83)ng/L,(17.81±3.65)mIU/ml(P<0.05);IDA新生儿脐血中的TNF-α、IL-6、EPO的水平分别为(155.64±8.56)μg/L,(856.34±163.67)ng/L,(23.86±7.78)mIU/ml,均显著高于正常新生儿脐血中的(93.14±11.24)μg/L,(636.75±152.85)ng/L,(16.87±4.75)mIU/ml(P<0.05)。IDA孕妇外周血血清TNF-α、EPO水平与脐血血清中二者水平呈正相关,而IL-6二者间不相关。结论:缺铁性贫血孕妇及所分娩的新生儿免疫功能均呈现不同程度的下降,机体缺铁与免疫因子的生成能相互影响,孕期补铁至关重要。 Objective:To observe the changes of TNF-α,IL-6 and EPO levels in the iron deficiency anemia(IDA)pregnant women and their cord venous blood to evaluate the neonatal immunity function.Methods:The serum TNF-α,IL-6 and EPO were determined in 58 IDA pregnant women,30 normal pregnant women and their cord venous blood by ELISA methods.Results:The serum TNF-α,IL-6 and EPO levels of the IDA pregnant women was significantly higher than those of normal pregnant women(143.65±15.36 vs 90.24±10.04μg/L;586.32±133.65 vs 432.75±132.83ng/L;28.76±7.89 vs 17.81±3.65mIU/ml;P0.05).The levels of serum TNF-α,IL-6 and EPO levels in IDA pregnant women's neonatal cord venous blood were significantly higher than those of the normal pregnant women's(155.64±8.56 vs 93.14±11.24μg/L;856.34±163.67 vs 636.75±152.85ng/L;23.86±7.78 vs 16.87±4.75mIU/ml;P0.05).The levels of TNF-α,EPO in pregnant women had a positive correlation with those of their cord venous blood(r=0.490,P0.05;r=0.456,P0.05).There was no correlation to IL-6 in both groups.Conclusion:The immunity function of IDA pregnant women and neonatal has different degree decreased.The organism iron deficiency and immunity factors production can interact.Supplying iron in pregnant period is very important.
出处 《现代妇产科进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期781-783,共3页 Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 缺铁性贫血 孕妇 脐血 肿瘤坏死因子-Α 白介素-6 促红细胞生成素 Iron deficiency anemia Pregnant women Cord venous blood Tumor necrosis factor-α Interleukin-6 Erythropoietin
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