CKD/IKD is a new technology management method which should be used instead of commerce mode of CBU.In the international trade,as to the products with fast update,complex structure,mass variety,complicated sales states and multi- mode configuration,when they are exported to enterprises without independent technology of products design from the OEM suppli- ers in the form of CKD/IKD.The all-around intellectualized management of CKD/IKD customization,purchase and supply will be realized by transforming automatically between CKD/IKD orders and parts orders in ERP systems through KD virtual collabo- rative center,combining the e-commerce sales system,ERP,SCM,CRM,PDM and export management system.
CKD/IKD is a new technology management method which should be used instead of commerce mode of CBU.In the international trade,as to the products with fast update,complex structure,mass variety,complicated sales states and multi- mode configuration,when they are exported to enterprises without independent technology of products design from the OEM suppli- ers in the form of CKD/IKD.The all-around intellectualized management of CKD/IKD customization,purchase and supply will be realized by transforming automatically between CKD/IKD orders and parts orders in ERP systems through KD virtual collabo- rative center,combining the e-commerce sales system,ERP,SCM,CRM,PDM and export management system.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology