The kinetics of internal boundaries relaxation: antiphase domain boundaries and interphase boundaries-in the conditions of high-temperature annealing and the structure transformations are investigated in homophase and heterophase systems. Homophase systems look like ordered binary alloy and include antiphase domain boundaries of various orientation. Clear components border on ordered alloy in heterophase systems and two processes take place simultaneously here-disordering of binary alloy and solution in ordered phase of clear component. Computer experiment is realized in the sphere of temperatures close to the temperature of order-disorder phase transition in the limits of two-dimensional model of atom diffusion at the vacant knots of crystal lattics.
The kinetics of internal boundaries relaxation: antiphase domain boundaries and interphase boundaries-in the conditions of high-temperature annealing and the structure transformations are investigated in homophase and heterophase systems. Homophase systems look like ordered binary alloy and include antiphase domain boundaries of various orientation. Clear components border on ordered alloy in heterophase systems and two processes take place simultaneously here-disordering of binary alloy and solution in ordered phase of clear component. Computer experiment is realized in the sphere of temperatures close to the temperature of order-disorder phase transition in the limits of two-dimensional model of atom diffusion at the vacant knots of crystal lattics.
M.D. Starostenkov, E. V.Kozlov, O. V. Andruhova, N. V. Lomskikh, N.M. Gurova and A. V. Borissov 1) General Physics Department, ASTU, Lenin St. 46, Barnaul, 656099, Russia 2) Physics Department, TSABU, Solyanaya Sq., 2, Tomsk, 634003, Russia